How to support small business while you work from home
Stand (or comfortably sit) behind your favourite essential brands when they need you most.
It’s no surprise, our economy is in a state of absolute flux. We can’t leave the house (unless it’s essential) and when we do, most of the things we need aren’t available (that’s right - we’re looking at you Toilet Paper Hoarders).
In times like these, it’s easy to forget the brands and businesses we’ve been following with awe as the survival mode that seems to have gripped the planet kicks in.
So how can we, as a likeminded and caring community, support those purpose-driven brands who are selling the things we need during this time of uncertainty?
The below is a list of brands we know and love who are not only disrupting the status quo in the everyday goods department but providing essentials that promote consciousness and clarity in a time when we need it most.
Who Gives A Crap
It’s no secret, even these guys were cleaned out when the TP hoarders took hold of the country. You can sign up to their free delivery service so that when their recycled, 100% tree-free toilet paper is back in stock, you can s(h)it pretty - knowing that 50% of their profits are directed towards building toilets for the developing world.
Side note: Their packaging makes for epic homeschooling craft supplies for those looking to launch into a full-blown crafternoon.

Something we’ve loved to see is the uptake of mindful exercise such as yoga during this time. So much so, that some yoga brands have sold through nearly 6 months worth of stock in the last two weeks alone. That’s a pretty great indication of two things:
- Mindful Movement is soaring.
- Gumtree will be overloaded with secondhand goods by the time Christmas rolls around.
Our pick of the brands to watch (and support!) is Mobeco. An Australian-based start-up, creating exercise and self-massage Cork Rollers and massage balls.
Once you’ve rolled up the mat, roll out these tools and give yourself some self-care, sustainably.
(Hint: Pair these sessions with air scents MAHŌ to create a beautiful chilled vibe or when trying to calm cabin fever.)
If you’re like us, deodorant cremé or pit-paste is a funny thing to adjust to. Fortunately, ASUVI founder Thomas tackled this problem, providing refillable, natural deodorant rollers that are not only eco-conscious but make you smell good too.
Plus, being a quick-witted and savvy businessman, Thomas has just launched glass-bottled Hand Sanitiser, helping us Plastic-Avoiders stay clean and healthy during this chaotic time.
Cloth & Co.
WFH. Talk about an acronym that spread nearly as quickly as the virus itself.
Welcome to the Working-From-Home-life. We’ve been big fans of this since forever, promoting efficiency in the working hours and a great work-life-balance in the family.
To dress for the occasion (i.e., get out of bed, kick start the day with a workout and then settle into your loungewear) we turn to our favourite organic cotton range Cloth and Co.
Driven to empower their workers, their range is not only comfy but ethically produced in India and Nepal.
Bondi Pods
And finally - it’s coffee time!
Hands up if the Keepcup ban is wearing thin on your inner-greenie. *raises hand*
We’re thrilled to share (and sell!) Bondi Pods - an eco-friendly, Nespresso-compatible coffee pod that hits the cafe-craving from the comfort of your kitchen.
Pop, drop and fill your cup pre your morning stroll for that Keepcup-calm, knowing you’re taking back your greenie power by limiting your single-use-impact.
If you have any other Iso-Inspo we should know about, DM or @ us. We’d love to hear how you’re going out there.
It can be a bit lonely but it’s not so bad being locked inside, getting creative and connecting with those we love, virtually.
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