1 x 100ml Plant Runner Indoor Plant Food
1 x 250ml Plant Runner Neem Oil
What is Neem?
Neem is a natural oil produced from the seeds of the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica). It has been used for years in a number of industries and can found in things like: Cosmetics, pet food, hair and beauty products, and fertilisers. It has long been used medicinally in Ayurvedic medicine. Azadirachta indica is an evergreen tree native to the North-East of India and some parts of Asia. In Australia, there have been attempts to set it up as a commercial crop but with limited success. Nearly all neem oil comes from India and has a slight, sulphur smell.
Neem and Indoor Plants
There is a heap of literature about Neem on the internet. A simple google search ‘Neem + Indoor Plants’ will reveal many of the different ways people have used neem with plants. All neem oil contains the same active ingredient, azadirachtin which is why it has been considered such a versatile product - including pest deterrent. It is important (legally) for us to point out though, that our Neem Oil is not registered as a pesticide with the APVMA, and therefore we cannot advocate it as such.
Plant enthusiasts have been using neem with the indoor plants for a long time. In agriculture it is used as a fertiliser as it contains a number of beneficial proteins and trace elements that plants love. For the companies that have registered their neem as a pesticide, they use it to manage pests (again - our Neem Oil is not registered as a pesticide with the APVMA). As it is not considered a poison, it is safer to use around the home and pets and it doesn’t harm beneficial insects like bees, lady bugs and butterflies.
We love Neem Oil for indoor plants as it is a great natural leaf shine. As it is a non comedogenic oil, it does not block the plant’s pores so their stomata can continue to exchange carbon dioxide and water with the atmosphere.