mother love: NICCII KUGLER
We chat to our super-talented / super-stylish founder, Niccii Kugler, to ask her about motherhood, parenting, life lessons learnt, her current crushes - and what she has on her wishlist for Mother's Day...

WHAT DOES BEING A MUM MEAN TO YOU? It's the greatest priviledge and challenge of my life. I feel really honoured to be the mother of our sons. I was told it would be unlikely that I would ever have kids (because I had endometriosis) so to have these two, fantastic humans to love and to watch grow is a real gift.
DID YOU HAVE ANY PRECONCEIVED IDEAS WHAT MOTHERHOOD WAS GOING TO BE LIKE? After watching Disney movies I really thought bedtimes would be a relaxed, magical hour. Ha! That is certainly not the reality on our household! Thanks Hollywood! I think that in general, it's really hard to fathom all the worry, joy and noise that comes with being a parent.
"Every preconceived idea I had has fallen short of the reality and being a mother has only increased my utter admiration for all the mothers and mother figures that raise children selflessly throughout the world."
BIGGEST SURPRISE ABOUT MOTHERHOOD? Growing up with a sister, I was completely unprepared for just how tender, kind and loving little boys are. Also, I had no idea the juggle was this intense! :)
HOW HAS MOTHERHOOD CHANGED YOU? Motherhood has shone light on the parts of myself that I hadn't seen clearly before. It has challenged me to grow, to work on myself and to look to the future in a different way. I am now more focussed on opportunities and hope for lifetimes that extend beyond my own in a way that I wasn't before having our boys. I want to ensure that their lives and the lives of their children are not negatively impacted by the choices I make here and now.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO YOUR PRE-BECOMING-A-MUM SELF? Be kind to yourself. Do the best you can. Don't sweat the small stuff. Oh, and enjoy the serenity of sleep ins, leisurely breakfasts and lazy Sundays before the baby comes!
WHAT LEGACY WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEAVE FOR YOUR KIDS? I would like my legacy to be that our children have a strong awareness of the environment that sustains them, a respect for the people who they share this world with, a sense of responsibility for the actions they take and a natural curiosity to seek out wonder, hope and positivity.
WHAT'S SOMETHING YOU’VE LEARNT SINCE BECOMING A MUM THAT YOU COULD SHARE WITH OTHER MUMS? That you can't be all things at the same time - the perfect mother, the perfect career woman, wife, friend, daughter etc. At any given time, something will have to shift up and down that priority list... and that this is okay.
"I love Bar Elvina in Avalon. Sustainably-sourced seafood, garden-grown vegies and herbs, locally-sourced ingredients and delicious cocktails. The perfect date-night combination."
"I'm loving the Anything's Possible Cookbook by Natasha Burbury and Thomas Zeigler. I also love that the pair grew up locally and self-published these beautiful nourishing vegetarian, vegan and sustainable eating recipes on recycled paper."
" Azteca Margarita Mix makes the perfect margarita at-home. Australian and ethically made, natural and vegan, it ticks all the boxes. And it comes in three flavours all with Badass Salts."
"When I'm not at the store or in meetings, I love to relax in soft sweaters and pair them back with jeans or sweatpants {depending on how relaxed I'm wanting to be}! I've got my eye on a few that are in-store."
"One of my favourite ways to unwind is to lock the bathroom door and treat myself to beautiful body and bath products that nuture both the body and soul. I'm obsessed with the Indulgent Soak Gift Box, it's the perfect 'pick me up' package for some well-deserved self-care and indulgence."
Looking for new finds to add to your Mother's Day wish-list?
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