What is the Fashion Revolution & why do we still need it? - Nash + Banks

What is the Fashion Revolution & why do we still need it?

Buckminster Fuller once said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build

Celebrating the Incredible Women of 2020 - Nash + Banks

Celebrating the Incredible Women of 2020

It’s 2021, and women around the world have been prominently in the news for all the right reasons. With movements...

From Challenge Comes Change by Niccii Kugler

IWD 2021: From Challenge Comes Change

As we celebrate International Women’s Day today - the theme of which is Choose To Challenge - I can’t help...

Plant-based, Clean, Natural, or Organic? - Nash + Banks

Plant-based, Clean, Natural, or Organic?

As the demand for safe and reliable products that support a holistic approach to non-toxic living continues to rise, so...

Curating Sustainable Style<br>Behind-The-Scenes with Nash+Banks

Curating Sustainable Style
Behind-The-Scenes with Nash+Banks

Curating Sustainable Style - Behind-The-Scenes with Nash+Banks, we chat with founder, Niccii Kugler...
Audi E-Tron x Nash+Banks

Audi E-Tron x Nash+Banks

We had the great pleasure of being Audi ambassador, Emma Jarman's favourite sustainable shopping stop-off when she took Audi's all-electric e-tron S on a day-trip drive to Palm Beach...

So this just happened...

So this just happened...

Our founder, the super-talented Niccii Kugler, announced as one of Inside Retail’s Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2023...

Balancing Acts: Does Multi-Tasking Really Work?

Balancing Acts: Does Multi-Tasking Really Work?

Does multi-tasking really work? We asked five of our fave brand-leaders if they multi-task and if they have tips to share...